Install flex plug-in for eclipse
Install tomcat
Download Blaze-ds
Steps: 1 Create flex-java project
open eclipse
file->create flex project
Give project name "FlexJavaDemo"
Choose Application server type: "J2EE"
Replace name of the javasource folder: "javaSource"
Click on next button
Step: 2 Configure J2EE Server
Target runtime: "Apache Tomcat v6.0"
Context root: "FlexJavaDemo"
Content folder: "WebContent"
Flex War file: browse file from your pc "blazeds.war" (from blaze-ds folder)
click on next buton
Step: 3 Create a Flex project
Main source folder: "flexSource"
Main application file: "FlexJavaDemo.mxml"
Output folder URL: http://localhost:8080/FlexJavaDemo
Click on finish button
Step: 4 Create a login form in the flex main application file
import mx.controls.Alert;
private function loginClickHandler():void
private function resultHandler(evt:ResultEvent):void
private function faultHandler(evt:FaultEvent):void
{ +"");
open file "remoting-config.xml" (/FlexJavaDemo/WebContent/WEB-INF/flex/remoting-config.xml")
Add the following code
Note: we define "destination1" with the remoteobject tag inside the flex application(see in step: 4).
Step: 6
Create a folder inside the "javaSource" folder and named "services"
create a java file inside "services" folder and named ""
Note: we define this path(services.myJavaFile) inside the remoting-config.xml (see in Step: 5)
Step: 7
create a function inside a java file(
public void printName(String userName, String password)
System.out.println("spring Service ------ "+userName +" "+password);
Note: We define this function name in flex application and passed username and password (see in step: 4).
Step: 8 Run the application
right click on the application
click on "run as"
Select "run on server"
add app into the server
enter username and password and click on login button.......
You will get a alert and check the username and password on the console
Rohit Bhatia
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